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B 84
Bradbury, Ray. The Martian Chronicles : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз] / R. Bradbury ; коммент., слов. Е. Г. Тигонен. – СПб. : КАРО, 2015. – 320 p. – (Modern Prose) (English).
The Martian Chronicles, a seminal work in Ray Bradbury's career, whose extraordinary power and imagination remain undimmed by time's passage. In The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury, America’s preeminent storyteller, imagines a place of hope, dreams, and metapho – of crystal pillars and fossil seas – where a fine dust settles on the great empty cities of a vanished, devastated civilization. Earthmen conquer Mars and then are conquered by it, lulled by dangerous lies of comfort and familiarity, and enchanted by the lingering glamour of an ancient, mysterious native race. In this classic work of fiction, Bradbury exposes our ambitions, weaknesses, and ignorance in a strange and breathtaking world where man does not belong.


F 61
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott . The Rich Boy. Selected short stories : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз.] = Молодой богач = Избранные рассказы. – СПб. : КАРО, 2011. – 384 p. – (Classical Literature) (English).
Today F. Scott Fitzgerald is better known for his novels, but in his own time, his fame rested squarely on his prolific achievement as one of America's most gifted writers of stories and novellas. 
For the reader, these stories will underscore the depth and extraordinary range of Fitzgerald's literary talents.


H 53
Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea ; Green Hills of Africa : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз.] / E. Hemingway, коммент., слов. Петрова Л. В. ;  = Старик и море = Зеленые холмы Африки. – СПб. : КАРО : Антология, 2016. – 320 p. – (Modern Prose) (English).
The last novel Ernest Hemingway saw published, The Old Man and the Sea has proved itself to be one of the enduring works of American fiction. It is the story of an old Cuban fisherman and his supreme ordeal: a relentless, agonizing battle with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Using the simple, powerful language of a fable, Hemingway takes the timeless themes of courage in the face of defeat and personal triumph won from loss and transforms them into a magnificent twentieth-century classic.


H 53
Hemingway, Ernest. The Snows of Kilimanjaro and other stories = Снега Килиманджаро и другие рассказы : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз.] / E. Hemingway ; коммент., слов. Е. Г. Тигонен. – СПб. : КАРО, 2015. – 224 p. – (Modern Prose) (English).
The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories contains ten of Hemingway's most acclaimed and popular works of short fiction. Selected from Winner Take Nothing, Men Without Women, and The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, this collection includes "The Killers," the first of Hemingway's mature stories to be accepted by an American periodical; the autobiographical "Fathers and Sons," which alludes, for the first time in Hemingway's career, to his father's suicide; "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber," a "brilliant fusion of personal observation, heresay, and invention," wrote Hemingway's biographer, Carlos Baker; and the title story itself, of which Hemingway said: "I put all the true stuff in," with enough material, he boasted, to fill four novels. Beautiful in their simplicity, startling in their originality, and unsurpassed in their craftsmanship, the stories in this volume highlight one of America's master storytellers at the top of his form.


H 53
Hemingway, Ernest. A Moveable Feast = Праздник, который всегда с тобой : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз.] / E. Hemingway ; коммент., слов. Е. Г. Тигонен. – СПб. : КАРО, 2014. –224 p. – (Modern Prose) (English).
Hemingway's memories of his life as an unknown writer living in Paris in the twenties are deeply personal, warmly affectionate and full of wit. Looking back not only at his own much younger self, but also at the other writers who shared Paris with him - James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald - he recalls the time when, poor, happy and writing in cafes, he discovered his vocation. Written during the last years of Hemingway's life, his memoir is a lively and powerful reflection of his genius that scintillates with the romance of the city.


K 38
Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest / K. Kesey ; коммент., слов. Н. В. Демидова. – СПб. : КАРО : КОРОНА принт, 2015. – 432 p. – (Modern Prose) (English).
An international bestseller and the basis for the hugely successful film, Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of the defining works of the 1960s. In this classic novel, Ken Kesey’s hero is Randle Patrick McMurphy, a boisterous, brawling, fun-loving rebel who swaggers into the world of a mental hospital and takes over. A lusty, life-affirming fighter, McMurphy rallies the other patients around him by challenging the dictatorship of Nurse Ratched. He promotes gambling in the ward, smuggles in wine and women, and openly defies the rules at every turn. But this defiance, which starts as a sport, soon develops into a grim struggle, an all-out war between two relentless opponents: Nurse Ratched, backed by the full power of authority, and McMurphy, who has only his own indomitable will. What happens when Nurse Ratched uses her ultimate weapon against McMurphy provides the story’s shocking climax.


P 85
Porter, Eleanor. Pollyanna : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз] / E. Porter ; коммент., слов. Е. Г. Тигонен. – СПб. : КАРО, 2016. – 256 p. – (Classical Literature) (English).
Pollyanna is a best-selling novel by Eleanor H. Porter that is now considered a classic of children's literature. The book was such a success that Porter soon produced a sequel, Pollyanna Grows Up.
The novel's success brought the term "Pollyanna" (along with the adjective "pollyannaish" and the noun "Pollyannaism") into the language to describe someone who seems always to be able to find something to be "glad" about no matter what circumstances arise.


S 17
Salinger, Jerome David. The Catcher in the Rye : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз] / J. D. Salinger. –СПб. : КАРО : Антология, 2016. – 288 p. – (Modern Prose) (English).
The Catcher in the Rye, novel by J.D. Salinger published in 1951. The novel details two days in the life of 16-year-old Holden Caulfield after he has been expelled from prep school. Confused and disillusioned, Holden searches for truth and rails against the “phoniness” of the adult world. He ends up exhausted and emotionally unstable. The events are related after the fact.




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