Комунальний заклад

"Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека
ім. Ф. Потушняка"

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Нові надходження


C 61
Clinical Immunology & Allergology : textbook = Клінічна імунологія та алергологія : [підруч. для англомов. студентів і викладачів мед. вузів ІІІ-ІV рівнів акредитації] / Yu. I. Bazhora [et al.]. 2nd. ed. – Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2017. – 272 p. : il. – Текст англ. мовою. 
In the textbook the basic themes on clinical immunology and allergology are presented in accordance with the standard Program approved by Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Considering a clinical orientation of the Program, problems diagnostics, features of pathogenesis and disease courses, etc. are stated generally in each chapter. To make it easier to master material the textbook contains many illustrations, tests and control questions.The textbook is intended for English-speaking students and lectures of higher educational medical institutions of III–IV accreditation levels.
D 43
Dental-Prosthetic Technique : textbook = Зубопротезна техніка : підруч. для англомов/ студентів стоматолог. ф-тів вищих навч. закл. МОЗ України / M. M. Rozhko, V. P. Nespryadko [et al] ; under the editorship of: M. M. Rozhko, V. P. Nespryadko. – Kiev : Book-plus, 2016. – 560 p. : il. – Текст англ. мовою.
Textbook presents organization of work of dental technical laboratory, material supply and providing of dental technical production, modem material knowledge, clinical-laboratory stages in production of all spectrum of orthopedic constmctions and the questions of labour protection.Sections of textbook correspond educational programs of training of dental technicians and stomatologists approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.Textbook is accompanied by the vast illustrative materials.For students of stomatological faculties, intership doctors, clinical staff physi¬cians, postgraduate students, stomatologists and dental technicians.
F 22
Family Medicine : in 3 book : textbook for students of higher medical education establishments of the 4th level of accreditation / O. M. Hyrina, L. M. Pasiyeshvili [et al.] ; ed. by: O. M. Hyrina, L. M. Pasiyeshvili. – Kyiv : AUS Medicine Publishing, 2016 –     .
Book 1 : General Issues of Family Medicine. –  2016. – 560 p. : il. – Текст англ. мовою.
The book explores the theoretical basis of family medicine. It also seeks to analyze the social preconditions of the need for family medicine, the main aspects of the family doctor's practice, the working process problems as well as the means to solve them. The authors outline modern views in general practice and the concept of its development; describes the organization of outpatient care in the most widespread diseases of the therapeutic profile; study the methods of providing emergency assistance in life-threatening conditions. The textbook provides information on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, prophylactic medical observation, examination of incapacity for work, which will allow the doctor to properly assess symptoms, determine a list of diseases for differential diagnosis, and in future — to formulate a diagnosis and plan treatment and rehabilitation activities.
P 36
Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry = Терапевтична стоматологія дитячого віку : text-book for students of dental faculties of higher educational institutions of IV accreditation level / L. A. Khomenko, A. V. Savychuk [et al.] ; under ed. L. A. Khomenko. – Kiev : Book-plus, 2015. – 240 p. : il. – Текст англ. мовою.  
The manual covers the problems of clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of basic stomatological diseases in children. The manual explains modern approaches to etiology and pathogenesis of caries, its complications, diseases of periodontium and oral mucosa in children. Special attention has been paid to modern diagnostic methods of  stomatological diseases in children.The manual presents classification and principles of treatment  of non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues. For students of stomatological faculties.
U 81
Urology : textbook for students of higher medical educational institutions of IVth accreditation level = Урологія : підручник / S. P. Pasiechnikov, S. O. Vozianov [et al] ; ed. by S. P. Pasiechnikov ; Ministry of Health of Ukraine. – Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2016. – 400 p. : il. – Текст англ.мовою. 
The main feature of this textbook consists in the fact that it is the first textbook for basic discipline “Urology” prepared in accordance with the modern credit-modular system within the 90-hour training program approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for specialties taught in the 4th year. “General medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical prophylaxis”, and 45-hour training program for specialty “Medical Psychology”.




Шановні користувачі, для вас нові надходження до Відділу художньої літератури.


15 липня святкує своє 85-річчя поет, перекладач, сценарист, член Спілки письменників України – Павло Михайлович Мовчан. З цієї нагоди пропонує вашій увазі віртуальну виставку „Глибини Слова і велич Чину”.


"Фокстрот", ліхтар, колись була аптека...
Аж раптом - дві сосни. Бібліотека.

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