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В 26
Barrie, James Matthew. Peter Pan = Пітер Пен : [казкова повість] / J. M. Barrie. – Повне, неадаптоване вид. – Kyiv : Znannia, 2014. – 192 p. – (English Library).
James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937) was a Scottish playwright, writer, and journalist, the author of a romantic fairy-tale story Peter Pan, which for over one hundred years remained among the most favoured reading matters for many rising generations. J. M. Barrie, by virtue of his imagination, created brilliant enchanting world in which reality closely intertwines with fantasy and into which the young as well as grown-up readers – all those ones who are keen on extremely thrilling, sometimes even dangerous but still very jolly adventures – could plunge with real enjoyment.
L 87
London, Jack. The Son of the Wolf = Син Вовка / J. London. – Kyiv : Znannia, 2015. – 208 p. 
Jack London (1876 – 1916) was an outstanding American writer, publicist and public figure, the author of numerous adventure stories and tales. The collection “The Son of the Wolf” (1900) consists of nine tales of the so-called “Northern cycle” which tell about the life of gold-diggers and the native population of Alaska. The writer, in an extremely masterly manner, unites the description of the hard realities of people’s life on the boundless expanses of the north with the spirit of romance and adventures, shows the man’s courage and endurance, willpower and fortitude under the conditions of bitter struggle for existence.
W 68
Wilde, Oscar. An Ideal Husband. The Importance of Being Earnest : [комедії] = Ідеальний чоловік = Як важливо бути серйозним. – Kyiv : Znannia, 2014. – 224 p. – (English Library).
Oskar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an outstanding Irish writer, playwright, poet, essayist, an unsurpassed master of aphorism and paradox. His giftedness revealed itself in various genres, but comedies occupy a special place in O. Wilde’s creative heritage. Owing to their staginess, lively dialogues, witty epigrams pronounced by the characters, sparkling, sometimes even absurd, humour, his plays passed into golden reserves of the world literature, ran through numerous theatrical productions and screen adaptions. Two Wilde’s best known comedies are put forward to the readers in this collection.
D 79
Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Sign of the Four = Знак четырех : [кн. для чтения на анг. яз.] : [неадаптированный текст романа] / A. C. Doyle ; подгот. текста, коммент., словарь К. Ю. Михно. – СПб. : КАРО, 2010. – 224 p. – (English) (Detective Story). – Текст на англ. яз.
The Sign of the Four (1890) is the second novel featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 
The story is set in 1888. The Sign of the Four has a complex plot involving service in East India Company, India, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, a stolen treasure, and a secret pact among four convicts ("the Four" of the title) and two corrupt prison guards. It presents the detective's drug habit and humanizes him in a way that had not been done in the preceding novel, A Study in Scarlet (1887). It also introduces Doctor Watson's future wife, Mary Morstan.
С 56
Christie, Agatha. Murder in Mesopotamia = Убийство в Месопотамии : [novel] / A. Christie ; коммент. Е. В. Угарова. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2014. – 352 p. – (English) (Читаем в оригинале). – Текст на англ. яз. 
The Queen of Mystery has come to Harper Collins! Agatha Christie, the acknowledged mistress of suspense—creator of indomitable sleuth Miss Marple, meticulous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot, and so many other unforgettable characters—brings her entire oeuvre of ingenious whodunits, locked room mysteries, and perplexing puzzles to Harper Paperbacks. Suspicious events at a Middle Eastern archaeological excavation site intrigue the great Poirot as he investigates Murder in Mesopotamia.
М 70
Miller, Henry. Tropic of Capricorn = Тропик Козерога : [кн. для чтения на англ. яз.] : [неадаптированный текст романа] / H. Miller. – СПб. : КАРО, 2011. – 480 p. – (English) (Modern Prose). – Текст на англ. яз.
Banned in America for almost thirty years because of its explicit sexual content, this companion volume to Miller’s Tropic of Cancer chronicles his life in 1920s New York City. Famous for its frank portrayal of life in Brooklyn’s ethnic neighborhoods and Miller’s outrageous sexual exploits,The Tropic of Capricorn is now considered a cornerstone of modern literature.
А 35
Азимов, Айзек. Короткие фантастические рассказы = Science Fiction Stories : [учеб. пособие учащимся 10-11 кл. шк., лицеев и гимназий] / А. Азимов ; сост., адапт. текста, коммент., упражнения, словарь Н. Н. Чесова. - М. : Айрис-пресс, 2014. – 80 p. : ил. – (Английский клуб) (Домашнее чтение) (Для продолжающих второго уровня = Intermediate). – Текст на англ. яз. 
Small in terms of the stories of Isaac Asimov can be used to read and discuss in one academic hour for lessons at school and at home for independent reading. Texts of stories adapted for educational purposes to the Intermediate level and are accompanied by a commentary. Each story offers a number of tasks for developing and consolidate proficiency in grammar, lexical material, as well as the development of reading, speaking and writing. At the end of the book provides English-Russian dictionary. 
The book is addressed to students of secondary schools and high schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.
Б 29
Баум, Лаймен Фрэнк. Чудеса страны Оз = The Magic of Oz : [учеб. пособие учащимся 5-6 кл. шк., лицеев и гимназий] / Л. Ф. Баум ; адаптац. текста, коммент., словарь Г. К. Магидсон-Степанова, упражнения И. П. Твердохлебова. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2014. – 240 p. : ил. – (Английский клуб) (Домашнее чтение) (Для начинающих = Elementary). – Текст на англ. яз.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children's novel written by L. Frank Baum. The story chronicles the adventures of a young girl named Dorothy Gale in the Land of Oz, after being swept away from her Kansas farm home in a cyclone. The novel is one of the best-known stories in American popular culture and has been widely translated. The book is designed for elementary English users.
Д 15
Дал, Роалд. Чарли и шоколадная фабрика = Charlie and the Chocolate Factory : [учеб. пособие учащимся 7-8 кл. шк., гимназий и лицеев] / Р. Дал ; адапт. текста, коммент., упражнения, словарь Г. И. Бардина. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2014. – 216 p. : ил. – (Английский клуб) (Домашнее чтение) (Для продолжающих первого уровня = Pre-Intermediate). – Текст на англ. яз. 
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"- a fairy tale by Roald Dahl about the adventures of a boy, Charlie, at the chocolate factory of eccentric confectioner Mr. Wonka.
The story was first published in the US in 1964. The book has been filmed twice: in 1971 and in 2005. In 1972, Roald Dahl wrote a continuation of the story - "Charlie and the huge glass elevator" and planned to create a third book in the series, but the plan has not been implemented. The book has been published several times in English and translated into many languages. The text is adapted for educational purposes to a level Pre-Intermediate. Each chapter is accompanied by exercises to practice and reinforce the skills of speech activity, the dictionaries, and lexical and grammatical commentary.The book is intended for students of 7-8 classes of schools, gymnasiums.
Д 62
Дойл, Артур Конан. Рассказы = Short Stories : [учеб. пособие учащимся 10 кл. сред. шк., лицеев, гимназий, студентов І-ІІ курсов неязыковых вузов] / А. К. Дойл ; адапт. текста, упражнения Е. В. Карпенко. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2013. – 224 p. : ил. – (Английский клуб) (Домашнее чтение) (Для продолжающих второго уровня = Intermediate). – Текст на англ. 
The collection includes 9 adapted stories of the famous English writer - the author of detective works. The text of each story is accompanied by exercises. At the end of the collection is a dictionary. The book is designed for intermediate English users.
Уайльд, Оскар. Сказки = Fairy Tales : [учеб. пособие учащимся 10 кл. сред. шк., гимназий, лицеев, студентов І-ІІ курсов неязыковых вузов] / О. Уайльд ; адапт. текста, упражнения Л. В. Холхоева. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2013. – 232 p. – (Английский клуб) (Домашнее чтение) (Для совершенствующихся = Advanced). – Текст на англ. яз. 
The collection contains 9 stories of the famous English writer of the XIX c. It is well-known to readers by the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray," the play "An Ideal Husband", "Lady Windermere's Fan" and others. The texts of fairy tales are adapted and filled with comments and various exercises. They are a great resource for middle-school and high-school students and for anyone who is learning English. The book is designed for advanced English users.
Ш 41
Шекспир, Уильям. Ромео и Джульетта = Romeo and Juliet : [учеб. пособие учащимся 10-11 кл. шк., гимназий, лицеев] / У. Шекспир ; адапт. текста, предисл., коммент., упражнения, словарь Г. И. Бардина. – М. : Айрис-пресс, 2010. – 96 p. : ил. – (Английский клуб) (Домашнее чтение) (Для продолжающих второго уровня = Intermediate). – Текст на англ. яз. 
The play Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. The book is designed for intermediate English users.




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