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"Закарпатська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека
ім. Ф. Потушняка"

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A 57
Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. Alfred the Great. –  Ottawa : East India Publishing Company, 2022. – 288 p.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles is a collection of Old English annals chronicling the history of the Anglo-Saxon race. They were originally compiled in Wessex during the reign of Alfred the Great (871-899 AD). It was continuously updated by following generations and in one case was still being updated in 1154 AD. Regardless of certain biases, the Chronicle is the most important historical source of history of the British Isles for the period between the departure of the Roman Empire, and years following the Norman conquest. There are seven original copies of the text that reside in the British Library and two other public libraries in the United Kingdom.


C 47
Charlotte, Aiden. Roald Dahl. Biography : from Air force Officer to Literary Masterpieces : (Biography and History) / A. Charlotte. – [Wrocław] : [s. n.], 2023. – 76 p.
Roald Dahl was a famous short story writer who became one of the most successful and beloved children's writers of all time. He also wrote several screenplays. Born in Wales to Norwegian parents, he attended British schools, but never went to university, opting to go work for the Shell Oil Company instead. He worked there for a few years, but when World War II started, he joined the RAF. While assistant air attaché in Washington DC, he began writing, which after the war became his life-long vocation. He wrote two novels, two autobiographies, nineteen children's books, and many short story collections, the most notable being Kiss Kiss (1959) and Switch Bitch (1974). He died of leukemia in 1990.


C 56
Christie, Agatha. Murder on the Orient Express : [novel] / A. Christie. – London : Harper Collins Publishers, 2017. – 240 p.
Agatha Christie's most famous murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover with special finishes. Just after midnight, a snowdrift stops the Orient Express in its tracks. The luxurious train is surprisingly full for the time of the year, but by the morning it is one passenger fewer. An American tycoon lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. Isolated and with a killer in their midst, detective Hercule Poirot must identify the murderer - in case he or she decides to strike again.


H 65
Hibbert, Talia. The Fake Boyfriend Fiasco / T. Hibbert. – [Wrocław] : Nixon House, 2023. – 212 p. – (New York Times Bestselling Author).
New York Times bestselling author Talia Hibbert returns with this spicy, fake-dating romcom. He’s in love. She’s faking it. Footballing legend Nik Christou leads a charmed life. Rich, successful, and internationally adored, no woman (or man) has ever rejected him – until a tattooed goddess blows his mind and captures his heart with just one kiss. Distrustful of men and disdainful of love, Aria Granger’s tongue is as sharp as her winged eyeliner. She knows from experience that Nik, like any smoking-hot himbo with bags of cash, is too good to be true – so she’s determined to send this walking temptation packing. Fortunately, Nik’s devised the perfect strategy to win his woman… What could possibly go wrong?


M 71
Milton, John. Paradise Lost / J. Milton. – Torrazza Piemonte : [s. n.], [2020]. – 178 p.
In Paradise Lost, Milton produced a poem of epic scale, conjuring up a vast, awe-inspiring cosmos and ranging across huge tracts of space and time. And yet, in putting a charismatic Satan and naked Adam and Eve at the centre of this story, he also created an intensely human tragedy on the Fall of Man. 




Шановні користувачі, до вашої уваги нові надходження до Відділу художньої літератури.


Запрошуємо поціновувачів високої поезіі на літературно-музичний вечір, присвячений 95-річчю української письменниці Ліни Костенко. 
Подія відбудеться 13 березня 2025 р. о 17-й год. в читальній залі нашої бібліотеки. Вхід вільний.


13 березня 65-річчя від дня народження видатного українського письменника, перекладача, знакової фігури для України - Юрія Андруховича. З цієї нагоди пропонуємовашій увазі віртуальну виставку "Станіславський феномен".


Шановні користувачі, для вас новий випуск "Хроніки культурного життя Закарпатської області".

9 березня о 14.00 запрошуємо на презентацію книги Ольги Саліпи “Таких тисячі”. Це пронизлива історія про жінок, чиї життя змінила війна. Вони різні: зовнішність, характери, мрії. Але є те, що об’єднало їх усіх: вони стали вдовами. Це гостросоціальний та щемкий роман про втрати й відродження, про світло, яке можна знайти навіть у найтемніші часи. Вхід вільний.

"Фокстрот", ліхтар, колись була аптека...
Аж раптом - дві сосни. Бібліотека.

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Пн.-Пт.-з 09-19 год Нд.- з 10 до 17 год.
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