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H 78
Hoover, Colleen. It Ends with Us : [novel] / C. Hoover. – London [et al.] : Simon & Schuster, [2016]. – 378 p.
It Ends with Us is a romance novel by Colleen Hoover, published by Atria Books on August 2, 2016. Based on the relationship between her mother and father, Hoover described it as "the hardest book I've ever written". It explores themes of domestic violence and emotional abuse. As of 2019, the novel had sold over one million copies worldwide and been translated into over twenty languages. In 2021, the novel experienced a resurgence in popularity through TikTok and topped sales lists for 2022 and 2023. With this bold and deeply personal novel, Colleen Hoover delivers a heart-wrenching story that breaks exciting new ground for her as a writer. Combining a captivating romance with a cast of all-too-human characters, It Ends With Us is an unforgettable tale of love that comes at the ultimate price.
F 50
The 15 Great American Short Stories = 15 чудових американських новел : [the collection] / W. Irving [et al.]. – Kharkiv : Folio, 2023. – 352 p. – (Folio World’s Classics).
The collection The15 Great American Short Stories includes the works of the most prominent American writers. Works included are: Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Landor's Cottage by Edgar Allan Poe, as well as stories by Washington Irving, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, O. Henry, Jack London, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and others.
M 35
Marton, Kati. The Chancellor : the Remarkable Odyssey of Angela Merkel / K. Marton. – London : William Collins, [2021]. – 346 p. : il. – (William Collins) (Bestselling author of Enemies of the people). –  Notes: p. 309-325. –  Bibliography: p. 327-331. –  Index: p. 335–344.
The “captivating” (The New York Times), definitive biography of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, detailing the extraordinary rise and political brilliance of the most powerful – and elusive – woman in the world. Angela Merkel has always been an outsider. A pastor’s daughter raised in Soviet-controlled East Germany, she spent her twenties working as a research chemist, entering politics only after the fall of the Berlin Wall. And yet within fifteen years, she had become chancellor of Germany and, before long, the unofficial leader of the West. In this “masterpiece of discernment and insight” (The New York Times Book Review), acclaimed biographer Kati Marton sets out to pierce the mystery of Merkel’s unlikely ascent. With unparalleled access to the chancellor’s inner circle and a trove of records only recently come to light, she teases out the unique political genius that had been the secret to Merkel’s success. No modern leader so ably confronted Russian aggression, enacted daring social policies, and calmly unified an entire continent in an era when countries are becoming more divided. Again and again, she cleverly outmaneuvered strongmen like Putin and Trump, and weathered surprisingly complicated relationships with allies like Obama and Macron. Famously private, the woman who emerges from this “impressively researched” (The Wall Street Journal) account is a role model for anyone interested in gaining and keeping power while staying true to one’s moral convictions. At once a “riveting” (Los Angeles Review of Books) political biography, an intimate human portrait, and a revelatory look at successful leadership in action, The Chancellor brings forth one of the most extraordinary women of our time.
M 43
Mayerchyk, Maria. Anna’s Dream / M. Mayerchyk, L. Savedchuk ; il. L. Sorell. – Edmonton : Peter and Doris Kule Centre for Ukrainian and Canadian Folklore, 2021. –  42 p.
Anna's Dream, a fully illustrated book for children from 2 to 92, is the story of a nine-year-old girl growing up on a farm in Western Canada in the 1930s. Her days, like those of all farm children, are filled with many chores, but her dream is to one day own a camera and take photographs. As we follow Anna through her daily routines at home and at school, we learn details of farm life in the 30s – and find out whether Anna's dream does indeed come true.
S 86
Stoker, Bram. Dracula : [novel] / B. Stoker. – Kharkiv : Folio, 2022. – 544 p. – (Folio World’s Classics).
Dracula is an epistolary novel by the Irish writer Bram Stoker (1847–1912). The characters in the novel tell of their nightmarish encounters with the insidious Count Dracula. Excerpts from their diaries and letters will step by step bring the reader closer to unraveling the sinister mystery of this vampire.
Часто, Петро Іванович. Іван і John / П. І. Часто. – Ужгород : РІК-У, 2024. – 184 с. – Текст укр., англ.
Художньо-публіцистична праця Петра Часта «Іван і Джон» – це листування українського та американського військових. Кожен з них розповідає про власне життя, життя своїх родин ті що вони пережили на війні. Видання двомовне – листи Івана подані українською, а Джона – англійською. це перші англомовні тексти Петра Часта.




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Запрошуємо на презентацію книжки Маргарити Безик про село Голубине та його мешканців.


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