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B 89
Brown, Dan. Digital Fortress : [novel] / D. Brown. – London : Corgi Books, 2009. – 512 p. 
When the National Security Agency's invincible code-breaking machine encounters a mysterious code it cannot break, the agency calls in its head cryptographer, Susan Fletcher, a brilliant, beautiful mathematician. What she uncovers sends shock waves through the corridors of power. The NSA is being held hostage – not by guns or bombs, but by a code so complex that if released would cripple U.S. intelligence. Caught in an accelerating tempest of secrecy and lies, Fletcher battles to save the agency she believes in. Betrayed on all sides, she finds herself fighting not only for her country but for her life, and in the end, for the life of the man she loves...


B 89
Brown, Dan. Deception Point : [novel] / D. Brown. – London : Corgi Books, 2009. – 592 p. 
When a new NASA satellite detects evidence of an astonishingly rare object buried deep in the Arctic ice, the floundering space agency proclaims a much-needed victory...a victory that has profound implications for U.S. space policy and the impending presidential election. With the Oval Office in the balance, the President dispatches White House Intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton to the Arctic to verify the authenticity of the find. Accompanied by a team of experts, including the charismatic academic Michael Tolland, Rachel uncovers the unthinkable - evidence of scientific trickery - a bold deception that threatens to plunge the world into controversy...


G 14
Gaiman, Neil. American Gods : [novel] / N. Gaiman. – London : Headline, 2017. – 724 p. – (The Sunday Times No. 1 Bestselling Author). 
American Gods, the extraordinary, highly acclaimed epic novel from storytelling genius and international bestseller Neil Gaiman. Shadow Moon gets out of jail only to discover his wife is dead. Defeated, broke and uncertain where to go from here, he meets the mysterious Mr. Wednesday, who employs him to serve as his bodyguard – thrusting Shadow into a deadly world where ghosts of the past come back from the dead, and a god war is imminent.


G 15
Galbraith, Robert. The Cuckoo’s Calling : [a strike novel] / R. Galbraith. – London : Sphere, 2018. – 552 p. – (The number one bestseller). 
When a troubled model falls to her death from a snow-covered Mayfair balcony, it is assumed that she has committed suicide. However, her brother has his doubts, and calls in private investigator Cormoran Strike to look into the case. A war veteran, wounded both physically and psychologically, Strike's life is in disarray. The case gives him a financial lifeline, but it comes at a personal cost: the more he delves into the young model's complex world, the darker things get - and the closer he gets to terrible danger ...A gripping, elegant mystery steeped in the atmosphere of London - from the hushed streets of Mayfair, to the backstreet pubs of the East End, to the bustle of Soho. Introducing Cormoran Strike, it is a classic crime novel unlike any other book you will read this year.



K 46
King, Stephen. Doctor Sleep : [novel] / S. King. – London : Hodder, 2013. – 500 p. – (The no. 1 bestseller). 
From master storyteller Stephen King, his unforgettable and terrifying sequel to The Shining.
Years ago, the haunting of the Overlook Hotel nearly broke young Dan Torrance’s sanity, as his paranormal gift known as “the shining” opened a door straight into hell. And even though Dan is all grown up, the ghosts of the Overlook–and his father’s legacy of alcoholism and violence –kept him drifting aimlessly for most of his life. Now, Dan has finally found some order in the chaos by working in a local hospice, earning the nickname “Doctor Sleep” by secretly using his special abilities to comfort the dying and prepare them for the afterlife. But when he unexpectedly meets twelve-year-old Abra Stone – who possesses an even more powerful manifestation of the shining–the two find their lives in sudden jeopardy at the hands of the ageless and murderous nomadic tribe known as the True Knot.


K 46
King, Stephen. It : [novel] / S. King. –  London : Hodder, 2017. – 1378 p. – (The no. 1 bestseller). 
Welcome to Derry, Maine. It’s a small city, a place as hauntingly familiar as your own hometown. Only in Derry the haunting is real.They were seven teenagers when they first stumbled upon the horror. Now they are grown-up men and women who have gone out into the big world to gain success and happiness. But the promise they made twenty-eight years ago calls them reunite in the same place where, as teenagers, they battled an evil creature that preyed on the city’s children. Now, children are being murdered again and their repressed memories of that terrifying summer return as they prepare to once again battle the monster lurking in Derry’s sewers. Readers of Stephen King know that Derry, Maine, is a place with a deep, dark hold on the author. It reappears in many of his books, including Bag of Bones, Hearts in Atlantis, and 11/22/63. But it all starts with It.




15 липня святкує своє 85-річчя поет, перекладач, сценарист, член Спілки письменників України – Павло Михайлович Мовчан. З цієї нагоди пропонує вашій увазі віртуальну виставку „Глибини Слова і велич Чину”.

11 липня о 17:00 запрошуємо на зустріч "Пам’ять поколінь” з колекціонером, дослідником історії Ужгорода та Мукачева Олександром Волошиним. Вхід вільний.
Навіщо тисячі людей з усього світу вирушають у подорож?  „Істинне призначення вашої подорожі – це не місце на карті, а новий погляд на життя”, – стверджував  Генрі Міллер. Пропонуємо вам почитати перед початком подорожі, або й під час, книжки, сюжет яких крутиться і закручується безпосередньо довкола мандрівок та усіляких мандрівних пригод українських письменників. Почитати і надихнутися... До вашої уваги віртуальна виставка "Книгомандри з українськими письменниками".

"Фокстрот", ліхтар, колись була аптека...
Аж раптом - дві сосни. Бібліотека.

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